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Deleted 5 years ago

To see the download options without paying, all you need to do is click "No thanks, just take me to the downloads" on the pop-up that opens when clicking the Download button. Unfortunately, not explicitly asking for donations leads to much less people donating, which would mean I can spend much less time working on this tool.


Lol, are you serious?, what kind of question is that?... jesus, how can people get mad even when they get something for free


Hey Thor,

Looks interesting to use, just wondering, any compatability with Unity?

Or would I have to save it as one big sprite and work from there?


There is no native support for Unity, but there is a very nice Tiled2Unity solution for converting Tiled maps to Unity meshes and game object instances. There is also Tiled4Unity, a variation that avoids the need for using an intermediate application. Check out this page for other potential options.

Are you norwegian ?


I'm Dutch, but my parents love Norway. :-)


Great tool btw

for what a game is this map editor?

This map editor is not for any game in particular. It can be used for any game for which the content can be described with the primitives provided by Tiled. This includes most tile-based games obviously but levels can also be made of freely placed images. Examples of games that have used Tiled are Shovel Knight, Axiom VergeRoad To Ballhalla and Brigador.

I am so so so so sorry that I didn't give any money to download... :( I would have but I am to young to have a paying job and I don't have any money I am really sorry


No problem at all. Tiled will always be available free of charge (and open source) because I think anybody should be able to use it regardless of their ability to support the development. I hope you will find it useful!

Hi Thor,

I'm looking to making maps that have arbitrary sized world elements. Think of something like a tree, but the cactus graphic isn't chopped up into tile parts (maybe just the trunk and the tree top). It's standing on a  couple of tiles, and its branches are extending to other tiles, and tile data is used to tell the game that the tiles where the trunk is, is not passable while tiles the branches are hanging over is passable. Is this sort of thing doable in Tiled? Thanks! :)

This is doable in Tiled, either by placing the upper part of the tree in another tile layer or by using tiles that are higher than the height of the grid, in which case the tile image will extend to cover tiles above.

(2 edits) (+1)

Great app but for some reason it won't install using the itch desktop application for OSX. I can download it from the web version no problem but not from the desktop app, just an FYI.
(If this resolves itself I'll come back and delete this comment.)


Thanks for mentioning it, I'll be sure to look into the problem! I anyway am planning to change the OS X package from a .dmg to a plain zipped up .app folder, which seems to be more common nowadays. Maybe that will resolve this as well.

(2 edits)

I'm also unable to install on macOS X. On the game page I was able to get the .dmg and install it manually.

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Hi, just downloaded Tiled, mostly for the compatibility for unity, but the terrain feature as well, but the terrain feature  isn't working, possibly i did something wrong but it was partially working (it made 'ghost' tiles over the tiles on the layer and then the program crashed) and I followed your tutorial in the manual exactly, but now nothing shows up in the terrain window at all even tho in the tab under the file bar shows it's there and the edge selections were made. I also saved my work every time I completed an edge action on each of the 4 terrain types. I tried exiting the program and reloading it but getting nothing in the terrain window still. (I'm using windows 10 and 64 bit version of Tiles)

Hello Roadhammer Gaming! First of all thanks for buying Tiled! Unfortunately you're running into a regression in the latest release that I'll try to fix in a 1.0.2 release soon. Thanks to your detailed report it occurred to me that I forgot to list external tilesets that have not been added to the map yet in the Terrains view. As a workaround, you can place a tile from the tileset manually first or choose Map -> Add External Tileset from the menu to add your tileset to the map.

ahh ok cool thanks alot I will do that, great work with this program and I'll be looking out for the next update, happy gaming!

(1 edit) (+2)

I love Tiled, I've been using it for years! Also I love that support for it hasn't wavered after all this time; the Tiled team always been pretty great about frequent and regular updates. Keep up the awesome work and props to making this tool which has saved me countless hours of trying to make my own inferior toolset :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Does this work on all game engines, and all programming languages?

I just downloaded it, and I kinda don't know how to use it. Can someone teach me how? Because I'm 12 and I am currently making an rpg game, and I'm using love2d game engine and lua for programming language.. Thank you.


Tiled makes no assumptions about your programming language or engine. Of course, for some programming languages or engines there will already be Tiled support out of the box and for others you will have to code a loader for Tiled's map and tileset files yourself.

Tiled can export to Lua, so that saves you from having to write any parser code. And for Love2D, there is the Simple Tiled Implementation which helps you with rendering your map.


Oh, I really appreciate that, I just didn't know lots of things about these game engines, once again, thank you for your help.

Onut also supports loading Tiled maps and can be used by the Javascript side, or C++ side. It is chunked for optimization. It also supports the base64 and zip export formats. You can draw layers individually, fetch entities from object layers, etc. But it doesn't support tiles animation and image layer.


That's great! I've finally gotten around to adding it to the list of frameworks. :-)

Is there anyway to run Tiled on a Chromebook? Want to use it to teach some kids and they all have chromebooks.

Hmm, I guess there would be three options:

  • Compile Qt for Google Native Client and then compile Tiled against that version of Qt, in order to eventually have something that you may be able to distribute to Chrome browsers. Not an easy project and making Tiled usable in that environment will likely require additional changes.
  • Install a Linux desktop alongside Chrome OS, so you can install Tiled there. Note this should not be read as a recommendation to do it.
  • Use a remote desktop application to access Tiled installed on another computer.

Please assist, how can I import a json level into tiled?

If it's a Tiled map in JSON format, you should be able to just open it by going to File -> Open. If the file type filter is too specific, change it to "All Files" or "Json map files". If your JSON level is not actually a Tiled map, then you'd need to convert it first or write a custom importer.

how to change language?

You can change it in the Preferences:


I purchased Tiled today for a new project after using it to help make this successful project a few years ago for the 2014 Steam Carnival in Long Beach:


Tiled is a truly wonderful program. It is also how I discovered the itch service. Bravo!


I appreciate your effort on doing this software. My team used it two years ago for a University game project, Element Supremacy. Me and the other programmer just thought to the game logic while the three designers were free to use Tiled to create the maps with the arts created by themselves.

Now after two years I am using it again for another project :)


Thank you for your work, Sorry I was not able to donate more than $1 at this time, the small donation in no way reflects how I view your time and efforts. Thank you for your hard work you put into this. I hope it helps me move ahead with my project(s).

Hello kind sir ! Me and a friend of mine have started working on a Java RPG game, and Tiled helps a lot, so many thanks ! However, we're working on a black&white RPG, or more like white&black actually... and with the background being mostly black and our tiles being mostly white, it makes selecting them in the tile editor a huge pain ! Would you be so kind as to maybe have an alternative color for the background of the tile editor ? Thanks much ! (we donated, too !)


Hey Hordecall, first of all thanks for your donation! About your problem, I assume you've already tried changing the base color of the theme? This also affects the tile palette background somewhat (if you're on macOS, change to "Tiled Fusion" theme first). Another option is to try a development build where I've coded a background color option per-tileset, though unfortunately it's a little unstable at the moment. You can find the latest build for Windows here.


I used Tiled to design the levels in Depth of Extinction! Really love your product for making levels in Unity (and the Tiled2Unity plugin of course).

I also have been using tiled2unity, I started a project out of it with some small improvements:

What's the benefit if I already have tiled2unity set up? I actually use tiled2unity Lite as I am on a Mac and just prefer it since it removes the intermediate application as well.

Right now there would not be any big difference, what I did was to move all the importing process into Unity instead of having an external tool like tiled2unity or tiled2unity Lite, so Unity Editor takes the TMX file an does all the process that tiled2unity used to do externaly. There is still an XML file generated by tiled2unity, that's my next objective to remove that file then you would always have only your tmx file in the unity project. In my opinion the usage of TMX file inside Unity would be more clear an transparent since the workflow would be very similar to importing a FBX file for a 3d model.


Awesome update! For those of you wanting is see some of these features in action, checkout 1-800-Monsters. You can even explore the resources in here and actually edit these maps.

Thanks! I'll be sure to check out your maps. In the meantime, I've added your game to the Games made with Tiled collection. :-)


FYI: Some of these games used Tiled such as Tangent and Shuriken. I checked them myself.

Thanks! I've added them to the collection. :-)

I am slightly confused on how software like this works. Is this compatible with all game making programs, or is it just a plugin to some other program?


Tiled is a standalone program. It is used to create map files that can then be used in your game engine to load up maps. I wouldn't necessarily say that it is compatible with "all" game making programs but a lot of engines have Tiled support out of the box. Programmers can write a Tiled Loader in their favorite programming language.


Thank you. Actually a couple of minutes ago I figured out that my game maker engine has a tiled based system that I have no idea how to use. I might use this program now :D.

Thanks for the wonderful software!

Hi!I bought Tiled map editor.

&I wont get this tile map.where can i buy?

(1 edit)

You cannot buy these maps, but you can find free assets and create them yourself.


(1 edit)

Thanks for the wonderful software! It fits well for my game, Legacy Bits, which is being developed using HaxeFlixel. Gonna send money if the game goes well one day.

Also found something which seems a glitch. When I put an object with image (Insert Tile) in Objects Layer, the Y value was increased by that tile height (in my case, the Y was 16, which supposed to 0). The X is correct. Had to do object.y += 16 to get correctly placed in the game.


That is not a glitch but an unfortunate inconsistency in where the objects are anchored. Whereas rectangle objects have their origin in the top-left, the tile objects have their origin in the bottom-left (or even bottom-center, in the case of isometric maps). At some point in the future I'd like to unify all this.

Thanks for the reply.

Will there be an option to change the anchor in the future?

Probably. There's a related issue on GitHub about having the anchor in the center. I'm just not sure exactly where to put this option yet.

After giving this software a good try, I will probably send money if I like it. For now, I've only read good things about it and must assume it's handy!

You're welcome to! Of course Tiled won't fit everybody's project, but feedback is always appreciated and I'm continuously working to improve it.

Can I build a time machine from tiled?


That's something you'll need to implement in your game / engine. You can use Tiled to set custom properties, for example to configure where the time machine will take you.

is it compatible with gamemaker studio ?

(1 edit) (+1)

It doesn't directly save/load GameMaker files, but there are some conversion tools available for converting Tiled maps to GameMaker rooms. There is a discussion about adding support for GameMaker on the Tiled forums.

game maker hahahaha

Actually since recently the Tiled snapshots can export maps to GameMaker: Studio room files!

I'm not sure if this is just me, but I am getting a bug when I maximize the program (Win10). Tried unistalling and reinstalling, and changing 32 and 64 bit, but no fix. Making it difficult to switch which screen I have it on. Do enjoy the software though!

This is a known issue that will be gone once Qt 5.6.1 is released and Tiled is compiled against that version. In the meantime, it usually helps to close the Maps view while doing the resize, since the crash is related to the rendering of the file icons.

The download links here are all messed up. The one labeled as 32-bit Windows points to 64-bit Windows, the one labeled as 64-bit Windows points to OS X, and the one labeled to OS X points to what looks like source code. Could you fix this, please?

(1 edit)

It's fixed now. It was due to a bug in, that I have reported now.


very good software thanks

Deleted post

great tool


Yes, please!


I can highly recommend using this software. I have been a game dev since the stone ages (1988) and this has become an essential way to create and export tile maps. So much time saved. Love it!

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Are there any tutorials on getting this to work with Unity? "Unity3D tiled" is not a very good google search.

edit: JK! Found the forum, so that's a duh, "of course there are." Now the question is to curate the best ones. I'll dig around myself, but help is always appreciated.


I think Tiled2Unity is probably what you're looking for. It's up to date with Tiled's features and well maintained. There are a bunch of other options though, which may be more suitable depending on your needs.

(1 edit) (+1)

Back when I still used Unity I found UTiled to be the most convenient free option. It has its limitations but suited my needs at the time.

I switched to Urho3D a year ago which has built-in TMX support through C++ classes. It's library is very similar to Unity's yet allowed me to return to Linux.


one of the best game dev tools in the WORLD :)


Been using Tiled for a few projects of mine, really happy to see it here!


Awesome, glad to see this on

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