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(1 edit)

Is it possible to import/export text format? I am asking before downloading cuz i wanna know can it help me or no. (text format is like:

p # # #

. . o .

# . . #


Where "p" is player, "#" is wall, "o" is something else.

Also, is it possible to change graphics of things you place? For example i have white sprite and i want to use grey, orange, red, purple variantions of that sprite.

(yeah, i am talking about Tres Undos)


This particular custom text format is not supported out of the box, but you could write a JavaScript extension that adds such a format using tiled.registerMapFormat.

Regarding using the same graphics in multiple colors, this is currently only possible by using multiple layers, since each layer can have a custom tint color.

(2 edits) (+1)

Sounds not very hard but harder than level-editor that game already has lol. I asked for other games. Like "Robot wants it all" (there map is PICTURE. Maps there are really hard to edit. You can make pictures with Tiled, yeah?). Thanks for answer (and for tool lol).


Yes, it is also possible to make pictures using the Tiled scripting API, by creating and saving an Image.

Hi! Not sure why, but for some reason templates not drag'n'droping in Ubuntu (23.04), AppImage distrib 1.10.1. => when I'm trying to place template to the map cursor changes to restrict icon (when I'm hover over the map with the template) and when I releasing mouse button nothing happens. I checked that I:

- On Object layer

- Template created from simple object that placed on the same Object Layer

What I'm doing wrong or this is a bug (Tiled or Ubuntu)? Thanks in advance if somebody can just throw me in right direction :)


Drag and drop was broken in GNOME 44 for Qt applications, but it seems a fix has been done and should hopefully be available soon. See and for relevant bug reports.

In the meantime, you could place templates using the “Insert Template” tool instead. :-)


Wow, thank you very much! Didn't see that there was "Insert Template", so sorry for disturbing)
Thanks again for your great tool!

it says its a virus for some reason???

(1 edit) (+1)

What is “it”? In any case, this is likely to be a false positive, since the builds are being made in a clean environment on AppVeyor and then signed by SignPath before being uploaded to (assuming you’re talking about the Windows installer).

when i try to open the tiled setup or exe it just thinks its a virus


What thinks the Tiled setup or exe is a virus, and what exactly does it say?

it says removed

but i think i know the reason

its a msi file

What antivirus are you using?


Very Good I am gonna use it for my game!!


Era exatamente o que eu procurava, valeu!


This app is fantastic!


Do you have, or can you make a process on how to export maps you made into GameMaker Studio 2? Just having the .yy file isn't enough since you can't directly import that file into GMS2.

I could honestly make a tool that automates this process but if there's something already available than I'd rather use that.


Please see the warning on the page about the GameMaker Studio 2 export, which notes that you’ll need to overwrite an existing room file for now. I’m not currently aware of a way to improve this process, but if you know how to solve this problem then please open an issue on GitHub with more details so we can work on that, thanks!


Thank you for the response. I had actually done this on my own but for some reason the tiles are not complete. We have a very large map that we made but after overwriting an existing gamemaker room with the TILED export, we only had about 20% of the map from the top left corner. The rest was just completely missing, other than that the tiles and layers were correct, do you know how to fix this, or if I did something wrong? Our map is about 9000x7000 pixels  


Hmm, it’s hard to tell what could have gone wrong there. Could you open a GitHub issue about this with more details? Some screenshots might help me understand the problem better as well (or get in touch on Discord if you don’t want to share this in public).

Heyo~ I've been trying to figured it out for a while now, but I can't get it for the life of me. Can you contact me on discord after all? my id is : YANA#7777

(2 edits)

Is possible release a windows "Package" version without installer? I have a problem here, I think my D disk is dead. I have student final project need to do, but I installed this software on my dead D disk, so I can't install and uninstall either (Cuz, can't found it on disk...). I want a package version, automatic install is too dumb to me...


Yes, though at the moment they’re not so easy to find. You need to be logged in to GitHub and visit the list of Tiled builds here, click on the latest successful one, scroll down to Artifacts and download the “Tiled-win64” package for a zip file.


Great tool...!!! Thanks.

(1 edit) (+1)

Does anyone know how to download older versions?
I'm trying to make maps for a game called Carrion
Thank you

Never mind, found out how. If anyone has the same question, its on github. 😁


That’s correct, all previous releases stay available on GitHub. However, if you have a need to download an older version, please do let me know why. In general, there should not be a need for this.

I did break compatibility in 1.9, by renaming “type” attribute to “class”, but there is a compatibility option you can set in your project (and likely I’ll undo this change in Tiled 1.10, because it keeps tripping people up). Then the maps should work in Carrion, unless there are also other changes that cause maps to not work.

Deleted 1 year ago
(5 edits)

Hi, I'm trying to use Tiled 1.8.6 for the map editing stuff again.. turns out something else broke in 1.8.6 - I tried booting up a map, and the game crashed... I don't think any versions above 1.4 work for Tiled which is odd - I will try to found out why

Hey, just did some testing. Not even Tiled 1.4 works. I have to stick to the 1.3 versions - It could be with the project tab thing.

What is “the project tab thing”? It’s strange, because as per the TMX changelog, the only changes to the map format have been the addition of two attributes and a custom property type, all of which should only affect the file when used. Maybe the game is checking the version? Did you check the files for any other difference?

 This is "the project tab thing"

I will also try to check the logs for any errors I can find

I found the logs (I think) and I'm running Tiled 1.8.6 at the moment to boot it up. Here it is


  "runtimeOptions": {

    "tfm": "netcoreapp3.1",

    "includedFrameworks": [


        "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",

        "version": "3.1.0"



    "configProperties": {

      "System.Globalization.Invariant": true,

      "System.Runtime.TieredCompilation": false




I think the file could also be corrupted somehow. I'm going to copy everything over to a new map. Will post any new results I can find

(1 edit)

Chromebook version when? (I use  a company chromebook and a personal one)


Did you try installing it in the linux subsystem?

Never, unless the developer decides to make a web based version, so either use Crostini (the Linux shell for Chromebooks) or (my favorite option) install another os alongside your Chromebook (if it's a company Chromebook you may need permission).


Been using this for my last couple, and current, games. Very simple to use and makes it very easy to produce great looking levels.


Great piece of software! Works on any Arch-Based distro as well! I'm going to use it for SSO (The game I'm working on)

Even if there was an android port that only supported keyboard and mouse (no touch) that would be great.

Another neat thing would be a web port. Not sure how that would work, though.

nice app


This is in!!?! I play a game by the creators of this. Some coincidence!!

Hey, you are here dragonair?!?

Yeah. Battledudes uses this on Itch 2 create therre maps


Importing an Object (now Class) Types Editor file that worked fine in 1.8.6 only imports the names in 1.9, none of the custom properties themselves appear to be importing correctly?

I just tried it and it’s working fine for me. Could you open an issue at and attach the file that is not importing correctly?


Agh, forgot about this, sorry. Issue opened now.

It not work well in mac M1,

(1 edit)

Hmm, several people have shared that Tiled runs fine on M1, but I can’t test it myself. In what way did it not run well for you?

I can say that I use it on an M1 and have had zero issues.


It crashes on M1 for me. I have M1 macbook pro running Ventura.

is it compatible for macos 10.10?
if not
its fine :(

(1 edit)

The oldest version I can support in the latest version is macOS 10.12. The previous version, Tiled 1.8.6, could in theory still be compiled on macOS 10.10 against Qt 5.6, but I don’t currently have such a build available. I’m not sure what is the last available build that worked on 10.10, but you can get older versions from

is this compatible with unity?

Check out this page for a list of possible solutions, in particular SuperTiled2Unity is pretty well maintained.


An android export for my tab....i would love u ;)


What kind of export would that be?



Any chance we can get an iPad port?


Unfortunately that chance is currently very slim since it would be a major project given the amount of UI rework needed, plus I don’t personally own an iOS device so I’d need to rely on emulation for testing purposes. An Android port might be easier, but it still requires a great deal of UI to be rewritten.


Was literally asking for a friend. :)

When i tried to use the Windows 64-bit installer, when choosing a location for install, it kept giving me a message saying it needs to be on a local drive, despite the location i chose being very much on a local drive.


Hmm, not sure what could be causing that. If the installer doesn’t work then one option would be to use the ZIP files available for each build on GitHub. Make sure you’re logged in to GitHub, click the latest successful build, scroll down to Artifacts and take for example the “Tiled-win64” (without the .msi extension).

It could be useful to provide ZIP archives on as well, especially since the app also prefers that, but in the installation experience seems to be better on Windows with the installer (except for such issues…).


Thanks for creating this awesome tool! I'm not sure it will work for my purposes, or if my game will ever release (lol), but if it does I will definitely support the project financially. Big fan of software freedom.


I'm not sure exactly when it was added, but Defold now supports tile rotation, and .tilemap files created by the current version of the engine have rotate90 as a cell property. But when I export a map from Tiled to .tilemap, it doesn't carry over rotation flags.


Apparently rotate90 was added about 5 months ago and released with Defold 1.2.191 beta. I’ve now added support for this in the Defold export plugins, which will be available in Tiled 1.8.6 (alternatively you can soon download development builds from here if you’re logged in to GitHub). Thanks for notifying about this feature!

(1 edit)

Hi there, is there any plugin I can use to export a project to the gbdk c format as shown in this tool called Gameboy tile designer?

(1 edit)

I don’t think such an extension already exists. A custom exporter could be written for this as a JavaScript Tiled extension.

I’m keeping a list of existing extensions on GitHub and there is a similar extension for exporting to GBA source files.


I was looking for a extension like that and apparently didn't exist.

So I made one by myself:

I hope you find it useful!

(1 edit)

Hey Adrian, that's a great initiative, thank you for that. I was trying to implement it but I didn't have enough knowledge to pull it off :)
I think your extension still needs to generate the tile map array in the header file, right? I found this implementation that does that and I was trying to adapt it, but it seems that a loop through every single pixel of the image is needed, to get its colour and convert it to a byte to be used in the function set_bkg_tiles, for instance.  Would you happen to know how to do that?

I get the impression that I misunderstood what you actually needed. The extension I have developed does a similar function to GameBoy Map Builder and not to GameBoy Tile Designer.

That is, my extension should generate the tile map file, but not the tile graphics data.

In my workflow what I do is to design with an image editing program (for example, Aseprite) a tile tileset with size 8x8 pixels (the one accepted by GameBoy) and then export it to a png file. 

That png file can be used to generate a tileset from Tiled and at the same time it can be imported into a tool like gbtdg to get the graphics tile data in C.

From there, you can from Tiled generate the map and export it to GBDK C format with the extension.

I hope this has cleared up any doubts about its use :)

Ah, gotcha! Thanks for the clarifications Adrian, and thanks for sharing your workflow!

can u get a png file with this? i used it and i want a png file

You can create a PNG of a map using File > Export As Image.

I am getting the same error as Robomnz


Unfortunately I messed up the upload to, I've re-uploaded the builds properly now!

hello! i tried downloading the latest version and i extracted the zip, tried to launch the .msi file but was greeted with an error saying it wasn't a valid windows file even though Ive tried both win 64bit and win 32bit with no success


Sorry, it appears something went wrong with the upload to! I'm re-uploading right now.

(1 edit)

I downloaded the windows 64 tiled, installed it, and tried running it from the start menu shortcut.  The program will not start.  I got this error:

Hmm looks like the image didn't embed.  Trying with imgur

Okay, it installs fine on my c:\ drive, just not my d:\ drive.  Maybe there's some hard-coded path issue? 

No, it should work on either drive. Most of the time, when this kind of installation problems occur, it is because there was still an existing install. In this case, be sure to uninstall all entries listed in "Add/Remove Programs" before installing Tiled.

(1 edit)

Hey, maybe a dumb question but how do I add multiple tiles to one animation frame? As I'm only able to add one tile at a time it seems. (doors having two tiles to make up the full door image for example)
or is the solution to create two animations simultaneously, top of the door and bottom? Thanks.


At the moment you'd need to set up each animation separately, and rely on the two animations playing at the same time. A few alternatives:

  • You could set up your tileset twice, once with larger tiles, such that you can animate this door as a single tile.
  • You could use an "Image Collection Tileset", and save each frame of the door as a separate image. This option might work best if you have many different sizes of animations.
  • To make it easier to set up multi-tile animations, check out the Bulk Animations extension.

Great, thanks for the reply.

(2 edits) (+1)

What type of file extension or format, does it use to add into the map? Plus is there a way to put this into unity?

Maps can be saved as XML in the TMX format, or as JSON. Both formats support all Tiled features. For using Tiled maps in Unity there are several solutions, but I'd recommend using SuperTiled2Unity.


Thank you, just thank you

everything leading to readthedocs is giving an unkown page error.


Yeah, for some reason the URLs now require a ".html" extension, for example I'll have to check if there's a way to get the old URLs working again. At least this is only broken on "latest" docs and not on "stable", but the URLs here on link to the latest version...

understood thanks!


Found the issue, the links should work again in a moment. :-)

could you guys make a portable version?


There is at the moment no ready-made portable version distributed, but you can make one by placing a "tiled.ini" file alongside the executable. If this file is present, Tiled will use it to store its preferences (instead of using the registry) and will also store session and other user data along with the executable (instead of using the system user data location). At least, I hope that is enough to be portable. If running the installer once is a problem, you can download a development snapshot, which is available as a ZIP file. You need to be logged in to GitHub to see the download links (under "Artifacts") after clicking on a build.

thank you for the info

I see that there is an Open Collective for Tiled Map Editor but I don't see it listed on your home page under the donation section. Is it still an active and valid way to donate ?


OpenCollective is unlisted because I'm trying to balance providing options with keeping things simple and not overwhelming those who'd like to support me. However, it's an active and valid way to donate! I'll put a mention on the website soon, because I like its transparent management of funds and other unique features.

hello I am interested in downloading and want to support you guys but before I download I was curious if you have pokemon tiles in your library as i wanted to use this program to help me visualize a pokemon region i wanted to create just for fun. I wasn't sure how the tiles worked in this program, anyways thanks I hope to hear back from you!


Tiled only ships with a few small example tilesets, so generally you're expected to bring your own tiles or find them online (like here on, or on I'm sure you can find Pokemon tiles or something similar. :-)

I really appreciate your interest in supporting me, but when in doubt whether Tiled suits your needs, just download it for free! If you want to support further development you can always come back here later, or donate through other platforms.

(1 edit)

does it contain an auto tiling feature?


Tiled currently features two ways to automatically place tiles: a smart Terrain Brush, which can automatically connect tiles in various formats (corner-based, edge-based or blob) and Automapping (rule-based tile placement), which can be used for more complex needs.

Would it be within the scope of this project to add an autosave feature (either upon each edit or on a relatively short interval)?  I would like to write an OBS plugin or small program that can render tmx maps with an embedded tileset, with the use case being using tiled's infinite map mode as a live "dungeon crawler" mapper for old DOS or console games for those that do not want to or cannot use an automapper.  This would allow a streamer to show their mapping progress on stream when desired without manually having to save after each edit.

(5 edits) (+2)

I think an autosave feature would be nice to have in general, but I also really like your idea of using Tiled as a tool to keep track of the explored area and to stream that using OBS. Instead of a plugin, possibly the "tmxviewer" application could be used to render the map, if only it would automatically reload the map file on changes (which is something that could be implemented). Of course a plugin could add functionality that would not be possible with an external application.

I've opened an issue about an autosave feature.

Why is it that when I move the map with the middle mouse wheel, the program lags very terribly?

On 1.7.0 + versions

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