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This is in!!?! I play a game by the creators of this. Some coincidence!!

Hey, you are here dragonair?!?

Yeah. Battledudes uses this on Itch 2 create therre maps


Importing an Object (now Class) Types Editor file that worked fine in 1.8.6 only imports the names in 1.9, none of the custom properties themselves appear to be importing correctly?

I just tried it and it’s working fine for me. Could you open an issue at and attach the file that is not importing correctly?


Agh, forgot about this, sorry. Issue opened now.

It not work well in mac M1,

(1 edit)

Hmm, several people have shared that Tiled runs fine on M1, but I can’t test it myself. In what way did it not run well for you?

I can say that I use it on an M1 and have had zero issues.


It crashes on M1 for me. I have M1 macbook pro running Ventura.

is it compatible for macos 10.10?
if not
its fine :(

(1 edit)

The oldest version I can support in the latest version is macOS 10.12. The previous version, Tiled 1.8.6, could in theory still be compiled on macOS 10.10 against Qt 5.6, but I don’t currently have such a build available. I’m not sure what is the last available build that worked on 10.10, but you can get older versions from

is this compatible with unity?

Check out this page for a list of possible solutions, in particular SuperTiled2Unity is pretty well maintained.


An android export for my tab....i would love u ;)


What kind of export would that be?



Any chance we can get an iPad port?


Unfortunately that chance is currently very slim since it would be a major project given the amount of UI rework needed, plus I don’t personally own an iOS device so I’d need to rely on emulation for testing purposes. An Android port might be easier, but it still requires a great deal of UI to be rewritten.


Was literally asking for a friend. :)

When i tried to use the Windows 64-bit installer, when choosing a location for install, it kept giving me a message saying it needs to be on a local drive, despite the location i chose being very much on a local drive.


Hmm, not sure what could be causing that. If the installer doesn’t work then one option would be to use the ZIP files available for each build on GitHub. Make sure you’re logged in to GitHub, click the latest successful build, scroll down to Artifacts and take for example the “Tiled-win64” (without the .msi extension).

It could be useful to provide ZIP archives on as well, especially since the app also prefers that, but in the installation experience seems to be better on Windows with the installer (except for such issues…).


Thanks for creating this awesome tool! I'm not sure it will work for my purposes, or if my game will ever release (lol), but if it does I will definitely support the project financially. Big fan of software freedom.


I'm not sure exactly when it was added, but Defold now supports tile rotation, and .tilemap files created by the current version of the engine have rotate90 as a cell property. But when I export a map from Tiled to .tilemap, it doesn't carry over rotation flags.


Apparently rotate90 was added about 5 months ago and released with Defold 1.2.191 beta. I’ve now added support for this in the Defold export plugins, which will be available in Tiled 1.8.6 (alternatively you can soon download development builds from here if you’re logged in to GitHub). Thanks for notifying about this feature!

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Hi there, is there any plugin I can use to export a project to the gbdk c format as shown in this tool called Gameboy tile designer?

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I don’t think such an extension already exists. A custom exporter could be written for this as a JavaScript Tiled extension.

I’m keeping a list of existing extensions on GitHub and there is a similar extension for exporting to GBA source files.


I was looking for a extension like that and apparently didn't exist.

So I made one by myself:

I hope you find it useful!

(1 edit)

Hey Adrian, that's a great initiative, thank you for that. I was trying to implement it but I didn't have enough knowledge to pull it off :)
I think your extension still needs to generate the tile map array in the header file, right? I found this implementation that does that and I was trying to adapt it, but it seems that a loop through every single pixel of the image is needed, to get its colour and convert it to a byte to be used in the function set_bkg_tiles, for instance.  Would you happen to know how to do that?

I get the impression that I misunderstood what you actually needed. The extension I have developed does a similar function to GameBoy Map Builder and not to GameBoy Tile Designer.

That is, my extension should generate the tile map file, but not the tile graphics data.

In my workflow what I do is to design with an image editing program (for example, Aseprite) a tile tileset with size 8x8 pixels (the one accepted by GameBoy) and then export it to a png file. 

That png file can be used to generate a tileset from Tiled and at the same time it can be imported into a tool like gbtdg to get the graphics tile data in C.

From there, you can from Tiled generate the map and export it to GBDK C format with the extension.

I hope this has cleared up any doubts about its use :)

Ah, gotcha! Thanks for the clarifications Adrian, and thanks for sharing your workflow!

can u get a png file with this? i used it and i want a png file

You can create a PNG of a map using File > Export As Image.

I am getting the same error as Robomnz


Unfortunately I messed up the upload to, I've re-uploaded the builds properly now!

hello! i tried downloading the latest version and i extracted the zip, tried to launch the .msi file but was greeted with an error saying it wasn't a valid windows file even though Ive tried both win 64bit and win 32bit with no success


Sorry, it appears something went wrong with the upload to! I'm re-uploading right now.

(1 edit)

I downloaded the windows 64 tiled, installed it, and tried running it from the start menu shortcut.  The program will not start.  I got this error:

Hmm looks like the image didn't embed.  Trying with imgur

Okay, it installs fine on my c:\ drive, just not my d:\ drive.  Maybe there's some hard-coded path issue? 

No, it should work on either drive. Most of the time, when this kind of installation problems occur, it is because there was still an existing install. In this case, be sure to uninstall all entries listed in "Add/Remove Programs" before installing Tiled.

(1 edit)

Hey, maybe a dumb question but how do I add multiple tiles to one animation frame? As I'm only able to add one tile at a time it seems. (doors having two tiles to make up the full door image for example)
or is the solution to create two animations simultaneously, top of the door and bottom? Thanks.


At the moment you'd need to set up each animation separately, and rely on the two animations playing at the same time. A few alternatives:

  • You could set up your tileset twice, once with larger tiles, such that you can animate this door as a single tile.
  • You could use an "Image Collection Tileset", and save each frame of the door as a separate image. This option might work best if you have many different sizes of animations.
  • To make it easier to set up multi-tile animations, check out the Bulk Animations extension.

Great, thanks for the reply.

(2 edits) (+1)

What type of file extension or format, does it use to add into the map? Plus is there a way to put this into unity?

Maps can be saved as XML in the TMX format, or as JSON. Both formats support all Tiled features. For using Tiled maps in Unity there are several solutions, but I'd recommend using SuperTiled2Unity.


Thank you, just thank you

everything leading to readthedocs is giving an unkown page error.


Yeah, for some reason the URLs now require a ".html" extension, for example I'll have to check if there's a way to get the old URLs working again. At least this is only broken on "latest" docs and not on "stable", but the URLs here on link to the latest version...

understood thanks!


Found the issue, the links should work again in a moment. :-)

could you guys make a portable version?


There is at the moment no ready-made portable version distributed, but you can make one by placing a "tiled.ini" file alongside the executable. If this file is present, Tiled will use it to store its preferences (instead of using the registry) and will also store session and other user data along with the executable (instead of using the system user data location). At least, I hope that is enough to be portable. If running the installer once is a problem, you can download a development snapshot, which is available as a ZIP file. You need to be logged in to GitHub to see the download links (under "Artifacts") after clicking on a build.

thank you for the info

I see that there is an Open Collective for Tiled Map Editor but I don't see it listed on your home page under the donation section. Is it still an active and valid way to donate ?


OpenCollective is unlisted because I'm trying to balance providing options with keeping things simple and not overwhelming those who'd like to support me. However, it's an active and valid way to donate! I'll put a mention on the website soon, because I like its transparent management of funds and other unique features.

hello I am interested in downloading and want to support you guys but before I download I was curious if you have pokemon tiles in your library as i wanted to use this program to help me visualize a pokemon region i wanted to create just for fun. I wasn't sure how the tiles worked in this program, anyways thanks I hope to hear back from you!


Tiled only ships with a few small example tilesets, so generally you're expected to bring your own tiles or find them online (like here on, or on I'm sure you can find Pokemon tiles or something similar. :-)

I really appreciate your interest in supporting me, but when in doubt whether Tiled suits your needs, just download it for free! If you want to support further development you can always come back here later, or donate through other platforms.

(1 edit)

does it contain an auto tiling feature?


Tiled currently features two ways to automatically place tiles: a smart Terrain Brush, which can automatically connect tiles in various formats (corner-based, edge-based or blob) and Automapping (rule-based tile placement), which can be used for more complex needs.

Would it be within the scope of this project to add an autosave feature (either upon each edit or on a relatively short interval)?  I would like to write an OBS plugin or small program that can render tmx maps with an embedded tileset, with the use case being using tiled's infinite map mode as a live "dungeon crawler" mapper for old DOS or console games for those that do not want to or cannot use an automapper.  This would allow a streamer to show their mapping progress on stream when desired without manually having to save after each edit.

(5 edits) (+2)

I think an autosave feature would be nice to have in general, but I also really like your idea of using Tiled as a tool to keep track of the explored area and to stream that using OBS. Instead of a plugin, possibly the "tmxviewer" application could be used to render the map, if only it would automatically reload the map file on changes (which is something that could be implemented). Of course a plugin could add functionality that would not be possible with an external application.

I've opened an issue about an autosave feature.

Why is it that when I move the map with the middle mouse wheel, the program lags very terribly?

On 1.7.0 + versions

can i make assets with it

This editor can be used to create tile maps, or levels for games in general.

Can i use this software to create my indie game?


yes you can, check "free software" section :)


Thanks man.


The amount of support you continue to give this program is amazing, thank you.

Can you please make a mobile version? Specifically one compatible with iPhone AND Android?

Since Tiled as-is would not work well on mobile, this is a relatively big project. It is tracked by issue #1971, but it's unlikely to get done anytime soon. For Android you can try NotTiled. I'm currently unaware of an alternative for iPhone.

okay thanks for the info!!

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Is there a 32-bit build for Linux, or is it possible to use the source code to build my own?


Most 32-bit Linux distributions do provide a Tiled package in their repositories, but of course it may be a little out of date. Alternatively, there's a Tiled snap package that includes an i386 build. You can definitely also compile Tiled yourself, the source code is at and there are compile instructions in the

(3 edits)

Thank you very much for your help.

Although what I was hoping for was some sort of portable install file I could copy onto a slew of 32-bit Linux boxes (such as a .deb file) from a Flash drive.


Just wanted to say that you did an incredible job with this tool. I’m currently using it in conjunction with Phaser.js and it works flawlessly.

can you make a version where i don't enter the admin pin?(I don't know mine,I'm on a shared comp,on my own user)

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You can visit the GitHub Build Packages workflow, click to the last successful build and scroll down to "Artifacts", and find the "Tiled-win64" artifact without ".msi" suffix. It's a ZIP file rather than an installer, so you can use it without admin.

I'd like to make it available also on, which should also work properly with the app. Only problem is that there'd be so many download options provided that it'll get rather confusing.

i cant download  the artifact thing :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 

im literally crying rn(i have emotional handling problems)

Hmm, I'm terribly sorry, but apparently you need to be logged in to GitHub to download any artifacts. Maybe take, which is the last snapshot build. For future releases I'll look into making an archive like this directly available.

oh ok ill create an acc

my antivirus wont let me run it :(


got it!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello, first I want to thank you not only for creating this application, but for maintaining support for XP, for many in Latin America it is very difficult to access a suitable PC, to do interesting things.

Also, I would like to tell you that I found a quite profitable way to use your software, by loading PNG images with layers, I can group the blocks together with hex codes.

In this way I can edit levels of old games, and when exporting, it is only a matter of saving an image that shows only the hexadecimal code and then converting it into data that the game can read.

So I was wondering, if I couldn't implement something similar natively, if so, this data could be entered manually as pattern set names, to export and import as text.

This would allow any average user to easily adapt complex data formats for editing with Tiled.

Thank you very much for your time and greetings from Argentina!


Hey Terwilf, editing levels of old games is indeed an interesting use of Tiled! Regarding implementing such export functionality natively, see  the Tiled manual about implementing custom export formats. I'd recommend using JavaScript, since Python is not supported everywhere and has some compatibility issues and C++ plugins are even trickier in terms of compatibility.

The only downside of using JavaScript in your case is that the Windows XP build ships with a somewhat outdated version of the JS engine, which currently makes it impossible to write a custom importer. It should hopefully be functional enough to write an exporter though.

Please feel free to let me know about your exporter if you write one, maybe it would be nice to link it from the tiled-extensions repository.

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Thank you very much for the information, although I think it is something that is beyond my possibilities, mainly because I do not have much experience programming, in addition each game handles its data differently.

On the other hand, currently the only complicated part of this process is to import the data, since since I cannot pass the information directly, I must recreate it in a mock-up that I then trace with the application.

In this way, after having the data loaded, I can easily export the information by saving an image that I then process with an OCR converter.

I mentioned this idea, because your tool is better than any level editor, being able to edit several levels at the same time and even copy and paste data between files.

Imagine the possibilities, if each pattern were linked with a number by default, this would allow one to select an area of the level and paste that data into a word processor, and that users of any level could create a conversion table to import. and export files with different formats, as some hexadecimal editors do.


Ah, maybe the CSV export can be some help here. Of course, as the name implies, it separates values by commas so if those are not desired you'd have to delete them again, but it does allow setting a custom "name" property on each tile which it will then use to represent that tile in the export.

I still maintain that writing a bit of custom JavaScript is much preferred it this case, especially because each game stores its data slightly differently so the code can be adjusted as needed, and that without having to compile Tiled itself. Even if you can't write it yourself, maybe you can find somebody who can help you with this.


First off I want to say thanks to the creator for making this available for free! Its a very robust and nice program, now after playing around with it for a few hours I started to make animated tiles, and made a water ocean map, with fully animated water.

Next step is importing the tilemap to Unity, fine, add it to my canvas, works great!

But then, go into Unity Play Mode, and the water doesnt  animate ;_;

I had trouble getting just a single animated tile to animate before, but after playing around with the controller for that object I got it to work, but to get an animated tilemap to actually animate has got me stumped!

Would appreciate any help, thanks a lot in advance.

Just to clarify, I think the problem is that im missing a certain step in Unity, in Tiled the map is animated and its fine, then I export as aserite, import into Unity using SuperTiled2Unity, then place it on the Scene, but then in play mode its static, not animated, so it has to be something im not oing or some setting that is wrong in unity, I am trying everything but nothing is working so far, but I expect it will be something small and stupid and voila it will work after one simple step!

But I dont know what that step is! Help me out please! Im pulling out my hairss lol


I mean export as .tlmx or whatever the Tiled Tilemap extension is, but thats not the problem.


This has got to be a problem with SuperTiled2Unity, not with Tiled itself


Yeah, actually animated tiles are supported by SuperTiled2Unity and the problem was eventually resolved on the Discord server:


1 I'm on a Chromebook does that still work??

2 If so how do I open it??


1. Chromebooks can open Linux apps so yes.

2. I'm not sure since I don't own a Chromebook but I found this

Yup, from the linux container just type "chmod u+x Tiled-1.4.3-x86_64.AppImage" for example.

Then run it. For example "./Tiled-1.4.3-x86_64.AppImage"

(You don't have to type out the whole file name, just hit TAB for autocomplete.)


Does this work with Stencyl?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+4)

Probably it just says it's a potential thread. Rest assured it's very unlikely there would be an actual thread, since the builds are done on virtual environments maintained by AppVeyor, Travis CI and GitHub. And of course you can trust me. :-)

So... you edit the level in the app and import it to the development software?

Does it work with GMS2?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, there are several formats you can export to, and there are many libraries and frameworks that can help you load and in some cases render the maps. GMS2 is currently not directly supported, but there are some solutions you could try. Check out this GitHub issue for some links and subscribe to get notified about updates.

Cannot for the life of me get proper exports out of this thing. I used apt install to get tiled on my Linux machine. Everything works great except for when I go to export. It either tells me that the given file name has no known extension or the command failed to start. When I used the version I got from here there is a strange xml wrapper around any export I try and the json comes out all wonky. Is there something I might be missing?

Hey kobraGrey, regarding the export not working for the version you installed through apt, this is probably due to a packaging problem. You can check the Plugins tab in the Preferences to see if they are available at all. You could alternatively try the snap package, which ships with most plugins.

Unfortunately, I don't know what you're referring to with the XML wrapper or what you mean with the JSON being wonky. Can you please open an issue on GitHub so that you could attach the files and/or screenshots to show what you mean?


Wow! Thank you for your reply. I'll take a look at the plugins as you recommended and post to the github issues as well with my json export (the data section has letters instead of numbers). Tiled is an outstanding tool for game development. Thank you for creating it and making it available to dreamers like myself. Keep on rocking sir.

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