Tiled 1.9.2 Released

This patch release addresses further issues in Tiled 1.9, mostly related to custom types. It also includes a number of small improvements. Upgrading is highly recommended!

The Defold export plugins (defold and defoldcollection) now both support setting the tilesource using custom properties and the defold plugin now also automatically assigns Z-values to the exported layers. Just in time for the #MadeWithDefold Jam 2022!


  • Allow adding maps to image collection tilesets (#3447)
  • Auto-detect JSON file format when importing custom types (#3472)
  • Added file system actions to the tile context menu (#3448)
  • Fixed possible crash in Custom Types Editor (#3465)
  • Fixed display of overridden values from a nested class
  • Fixed ability to reset nested string and file properties (#3409)
  • Fixed changing nested property values for multiple objects (#3344)
  • Fixed resolving of class properties on export to affect all data types (#3470)
  • Fixed possible duplication of Automapping Rules Tileset (#3462)
  • Fixed case where object labels could become visible for hidden layer (#3442)
  • Fixed updating of custom property colors when changing style
  • Scripting: Added Tileset.findTile
  • AutoMapping: Fixed applying of rule probability (#3425)
  • Defold plugin: Assign incrementing z values and allow specifying tile_set (#3214)
  • Updates to German translation (by Christian Pervoelz)


Many thanks to all who’ve reported issues or enabled the crash reporting feature, and of course to everybody who supports Tiled development with a donation!

If you enjoy using Tiled and have not donated yet, please consider a small monthly donation through GitHub or other platforms. With your support I can keep improving this tool!


Tiled installer for Windows 10+ (64-bit) 19 MB
Version 1.9.2 Sep 16, 2022
Tiled installer for Windows 7+ (32-bit) 20 MB
Version 1.9.2 Sep 16, 2022
Tiled for macOS 11+ 35 MB
Version 1.9.2 Sep 16, 2022
Tiled AppImage for Linux (64-bit) 45 MB
Version 1.9.2 Sep 16, 2022

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