Multi-Map World View, Python 3 and Raising Funds!

It's been a while since the last development snapshot, mostly because it includes two new features that took a while to get "ready" for release. I've also been spending time on my current fundraiser, which is an urgent attempt at regaining a level of support at which I can sustain my current Tiled development activities.

An Appeal to All Tiled Users

After using Tiled for a while, a message pops up asking you to support me on Patreon. You can choose to ignore it, or to have it remind you later. If you decided to ignore it before, but actually Tiled is a program you use regularly, please consider supporting me now!

I'm spending two days/week on Tiled, in a small office room where I can concentrate well, but I have recently fallen well beneath the level of financial support I need to keep this up. This happened because three large supporters reduced their pledges, for various reasons. To make my income more reliable I need as many small patrons as possible, so really every bit helps! Note that for small donations (and for large donations from the EU), you can reduce fees by supporting Tiled on Liberapay instead.

Thanks to a large increase in support in the last few days, I'm already close to reaching the two days/week goal again. But I'm not there yet, and I will still need to cancel my office unless I reach that goal as well.

Support from game studios is also very welcome. Donating $100/month will get you a banner on the Tiled website!

Multi-Map World View

Now we come to one of the bigger features that got merged for this snapshot. A new feature, that can be found in Map > Load World..., allows you to define a set of maps that belong together in the same "world". These maps will then be loaded together, and it is possible to quickly switch between them while editing. For now, the world file will need to be written by hand, but I will try to find time to make it editable within the UI until the 1.2 release.

The screenshot attached to this update shows several maps of The Mana World, a 2D MMORPG I was once involved in. The world is divided into maps for performance reasons, and until now it was not possible to have a good world overview or to navigate quickly between maps.

Check out the documentation on Working with Worlds for more details on the current options.

Python 3

The Python plugin shipping with Tiled was updated by its original author, Samuli, to work with Python 3 rather than Python 2. This update was long due. He also made the plugin work for the 64-bit version of Tiled, and I've fixed a problem with the automatic reloading of plugins when they are changed on disk.

Note that for now, on Linux you need to have Python 3.4 installed and not 3.6. On Windows it should be 3.6, and I'm not sure about macOS. We're trying to make the plugin compatible with both versions before the final release (#1954).


Many smaller changes and fixes were made as well, he's the full list:

Samuli Tuomola

  • Updated Python plugin from Python 2 to Python 3 (#1759)
  • Enabled compiling of the Python plugin when using Visual Studio (#1762)

Thorbjørn Lindeijer

  • Added support for showing multiple maps (#1669)
  • Added unique persistent layer IDs (#1892)
  • Added support for using object templates in Tile Collision Editor (but not tile object templates)
  • Fixed broken shortcuts for tools (#1937)
  • Fixed label in Templates view to be hidden by default
  • Fixed handling of sub-properties in Object Type Editor (#1936)
  • Fixed crash when deleting an object right before dragging it (#1933)
  • JSON plugin: Ignore a "data" member of a tile layer when it is "null" (#1922)
  • JSON plugin: Added support for Wang sets
  • Python plugin: Fixed startup messages not appearing in debug console
  • Python plugin: Fixed file change watching for main script files
  • Templates view: Don't allow hiding the template object
  • Lots of code maintenance

Mitch Curtis

  • libtiled: Allow qrc-based tileset images (#1947)

Translation Updates

  • English (by Thorbjørn Lindeijer, #1940)
  • German (by Andreas Kleinert)
  • Norwegian Bokmål (by Allan Nordhøy)
  • Polish (by UnknownSkyrimPasserby)
  • Russian (by Tripolis777)
  • Ukrainian (by Olexandr Nesterenko)


Tiled for Windows (32-bit), snapshot 22 MB
Version 2018.05.24 May 24, 2018
Tiled for Windows 64-bit (snapshot) 24 MB
Version 2018.05.24 May 24, 2018
Tiled for macOS (snapshot) 15 MB
Version 2018.05.24 May 24, 2018
Tiled for Linux (snapshot) 35 MB
Version 2018.05.24 May 24, 2018

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Do it guys! At least 1$ patreon goooo